Storegga Slide
Storegga Slide is a new performance event which gives poets and musicians 10-15 minute slots to share their work, encouraging emerging voices and experimental approaches. We seek to break down binaries, foster connections between different art forms and most importantly put on a banging night where everyone has a great time, curating lineups with a “wow” factor. If you would like to perform at our June event, or be added to our artist database for future events email storeggaslide.nights@gmail.com � Do you perform in another form (dance, comedy or multidisciplinary)? Get in touch… We would love to hear from you.
Looking to build a supportive and collaborative creative community so if you feel inspired by these aims and just fancy a chat, drop our IG (@storeggaslide.nights) a line!
Wondering why we called it Storegga Slide? Something to do with making waves across the UK’s live performance scene… Get ready to feel the love, feel the words, feel the cadence of sweet rhythms dancing through the June air.